"Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song." Psalm 95:2
We are all "one body" whether we are involved in some type of full time parish activity or ministry or maybe none at all. However, there is one time, a unique opportunity, during the Mass that any lay person can actively take part in a special moment of honoring our Lord. The occasion of being a gift bearer requires no special skills, yet, is a beautiful and significant part of the Mass.
Gift bearing families have the privilege of taking the bread, wine and offerings to the altar during Mass.
We invite families of all types to join this ministry; single, married with children, empty nesters, etc. Be part of the Eucharistic celebration and become like one of the three magi by bearing gifts to the Lord.
If you are wanting to become a gift bearer at our Mass please phone our Parish Office at 403-381-8891.