"Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." 1 Corinthians 12:27
The Parish Pastoral Council brings together lay people, religious members and Church staff who, together with their pastor, work to build a vibrant and faith filled community within the Universal Church.
The purpose of the Parish Pastoral Council is to foster full participation in the life and mission of the Parish. It is the Parish Council's duty to :
develop, review and evaluate the Parish mission statement
develop a Parish pastoral plan
inform the Pastor of the needs and concerns, talents and resources of the Parish and its members
recommend policies, procedures and programs to enhance our faith community
review and evaluate existing programs
act as liaisons to other ministries in the Parish
approve yearly budget plan
hold and Annual General Meeting for members at large
reflect and implement Diocesan priorities and programs into our Parish when needed
Christ called his disciples not only to proclaim the Word of God but also to lead his Church.
Please consider putting your name forward to become a member of the Parish Council of St. Martha's Church. If interested please contact the Parish Office at 403-381-8891.